quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012


Hoje tenho uma ilustração bem diferente! Na verdade, é uma brincadeira que resolvi fazer com as personagens de H. P. Lovecraft. A medida que me sobrar tempo, quero desenhar todas as criaturas monstruosas de sua literatura em forma... engraçadinha, haha.
Para começar, apresento-lhes o Mi-Guinho, acompanhado de uma feliz vítima humana em seu jarrinho.
Abaixo segue a descrição original deles.

Os Fungos vivos de Yuggoth (MI-GO)

The things come from another planet, being able to live in interstellar space and fly through it on clumsy, powerful wings which have a way of resisting the ether but which are too poor at steering to be of much use in helping them about on earth.
As it was, nearly all the rumours had several points in common; averring that the creatures were a sort of huge, light-red crab with many pairs of legs and with two great bat-like wings in the middle of the back. They sometimes walked on all their legs, and sometimes on the hindmost pair only, using the others to convey large objects of indeterminate nature.

ps- Agradeço ao André por me ajudar com inúmeros textos de referência com a descrição deles. ^^

Today I have a very different graphic! Actually, it's a joke that I decided to make the characters of H. P. Lovecraft. I wanted to draw all the monstrous creatures of his literature... as cute things!
I present to you the Mi-Guinho (in portuguese is something like "Little friend" since "amigo" is "friend" and "Mi-go" sound like that), accompanied by a happy human victim. 
See original description of them above.

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